Wunder Talent

What talent acquisition trends are going to shape 2023?

What talent acquisition trends are going to shape 2023? Wundertalent Tech Recruitment

If you have LinkedIn, then you can’t hide away from the economic downturn that we have been seeing. 

Many major tech firms have laid off staff making 2023 feel uncertain for many. With all the uncertainty you may feel that it’s hard to look into the future.

But you still need to be prepared with your talent acquisition so you are still able to deliver your best results this year. Even if you aren’t looking to hire right away, you can still do the necessary research into what the next 12 months will look like. 

From our experience, here are the biggest trends that will shape 2023 talent acquisition.

1. The return to the office

Since the pandemic working from home has become the norm with a rise in people on the lookout for remote positions. However, some leaders believe that being in an office environment increases productivity and collaboration.

With some companies demanding their employees return, they have been putting in place some measures for those who don’t, which includes attendance tracking and even contract termination threats.

It will come as no surprise that businesses who decide to do a full return to the office may face retention issues so those recruiting hybrid or remote roles will stand out when it comes to attracting candidates.

2. Using recruitment partners

When businesses start to worry about the future, their knee jerk reaction is to start making cuts. This includes cutting overheads, postponing projects and what seems to be pretty prevalent at the minute – redundancies. 

But, you can outsource the whole process or just part of it, to a recruitment partner like ourselves. We’re able to scale up or down depending on what you need and when. When you’re unsure about what the year holds, it makes it impossible to forecast the roles you may need to fill. Because of this, do you need an internal acquisition partner that you pay regardless of whether you have a hire surge or not? Probably not. 

Remember that the economic downturn won’t last forever, so you need to be prepared to bounce back. 

3. Internal movement and the ex-employees returning

Despite the uncertain landscape, half your employees will still think about leaving your company in 2023. But instead of letting them go, have you thought about lateral movement? Is there another role within the company they could move into which will convince them to stay?

Something else we are most likely to see in 2023 is the return of employees who have currently left your business – these are called boomerang employees (get it?)

Many companies look the other way when it comes to bringing back old employees – they left once, why would they not do it again? But it’s important not to ignore these people as they will need minimal training and already know your organisation and what it stands for. 

4. The rise in data driven recruitment and automation.

If you have read our previous blogs, you won’t be surprised that we are a huge advocate for data driven recruitment as it cuts out a lot of guesswork and improves your quality of hire. Using automation increases efficiency and saves time and money.

In 2023, recruitment strategies will focus a lot of D&I and using data will help with this. By using previous data, hiring managers will be able to see if they have any equality gaps and can therefore leverage the recruitment process to close them. 

5. Work-life balance and wellbeing 

The typical 9-5 well paid job just doesn’t cut it anymore. Candidates are looking for a company which promotes a healthy work-life balance and looks after their wellbeing. 

Employees suffering burnout is a common thing, especially over the past few years so make sure that looking after your employees is a key part of 2023.

6. Recruiters recognised as business people

Recruitment specialists aren’t just about execution (which it may have been in the past). With the overcharging landscape, recruiters are strategic thinkers and problem solvers. They make sure that the hires made don’t just fill a gap but that the candidates are exactly what you need to help you succeed with your business goals. 

If you need these kinds of people in your business then you know what to do. Get in touch with jay@wundertalent.co.uk or matt@wundertalent.co.uk.

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