The Results Are In:
Companies Are Wasting Money, Time
& Energy On Average Results.
Like everyone else in and around the UK SaaS and tech market, we’d known for years that talent leaders were dissatisfied with the candidates other recruitment companies had been supplying. (It goes without saying, resolving this problem is why Wundertalent started in the first place.)What we didn’t know was exactly how many of you felt this way and the exact nature of the issues.
We wanted to understand where we could add the greatest value in the hiring process. To increase our understanding of clients’ needs in order to improve your services and offerings. And so we did what any smart team would do—we asked and then we listened.
The results were pretty close to unanimous. According to 90% of the CTOs, CEOs, HR heads, and other hiring managers within the UK SaaS and tech market we spoke to, the biggest challenges facing innovative tech recruiting are:
![UK SaaS Recruitment: Hiring Trends and Insights Tech Recruitment UK SaaS Recruitment: Hiring Trends and Insights Wundertalent Tech Recruitment](
UK SaaS & Tech talent
acquisition is getting more
9/10 of you said you’re paying more but getting, at best, the same results. Price increases happen—they’re a part of every business—and many of us are happy to pay more if we feel the raising costs match the quality of results. So about those results…
![UK SaaS Recruitment: Hiring Trends and Insights Tech Recruitment UK SaaS Recruitment: Hiring Trends and Insights Wundertalent Tech Recruitment](
You always wonder is this the best that’s out there? Is the recruiter providing their best
And finally a general lack of trust, a suspicion recruitment companies are not giving their all, and the feeling they don’t share the commitment to excellence required to excel in ever-changing, highly competitive industries..
![UK SaaS Recruitment: Hiring Trends and Insights Tech Recruitment UK SaaS Recruitment: Hiring Trends and Insights Wundertalent Tech Recruitment](
You only see average
quality candidates.
While prices have risen, the quality has not only remained at the same level, that level is decidedly average at best. Team leaders feel like they’re constantly having to baby new staff due to candidates’ average skills,along with low employee retention from candidates who don’t match the team’s culture.
![UK SaaS Recruitment: Hiring Trends and Insights Tech Recruitment UK SaaS Recruitment: Hiring Trends and Insights Wundertalent Tech Recruitment](
It takes too long to fill
business-critical vacancies.
Almost everyone with whom we spoke mentioned time. Not just the time spent trying to get candidates up-to-speed once they’re hired, but the laborious pre-hiring process of simply finding candidates and then interviewing them. Team leaders repeatedly brought up the issue of lost productivity, missed targets, and general stagnation due to not having outstanding candidates when they needed them most.
The Emotional & Practical Impact
On You & Your Team.
As a fellow business dedicated to disrupting the status quo in order to improve our clients’ lives, we know there are always going to be stresses and strains. But those challenges are part of what we all sign up for, because few feelings can compare to that of the joy of persevering and finally achieving your goals.
What SaaS and tech teams don’t anticipate—and quite frankly, what they shouldn’t have to put up with—is a broken talent hiring system that not only creates an additional set of hassles, but actually hinders your team’s success due to the emotional and practical roadblocks it creates.
Here’s what those interviewed CTOs, CEOs, HR heads, and other hiring managers within the UK SaaS and tech market consider to be the four major disadvantages created by poor talent hiring:
Time waits for no one. So when vacancies are incorrectly properly filled or left vacant, while productivity slows down, the clock doesn’t. Our interviewees told us they and their team end up picking up the slack themselves, frequently leading to stress and irritation among team members and colleagues.
Leading to
poor treatment
Slow-to-low productivity, stress, and irritation, and no surprise when teams start to crack under the strain of covering for the missing candidate. Team members start to hit walls, some call in sick, and everyone simply feels overworked and undervalued. Not only are deadlines missed, so is that camaraderie and team culture that made work not just productive but enjoyable.
No one feels confident. Team leaders aren’t confident in putting “unready” new hires in front of clients. New hires aren’t confident in being able to face clients, even if they were put forward. Team members aren’t confident in themselves and nor are their leaders.
Leading to
Low Growth
Even weekly and monthly production targets become increasingly challenging to hit, let alone exceed. Businesses lose out on profits, growth, and generally fail to progress—some even start to lose their positions. Teams and their leaders stand to lose bonus payments and their reputations, the latter being more difficult to recover.
Here’s How We
Fix It All.
Our team at Wundertalent has a proven recruitment process that digitally maps out the market to give you access to 95% of the UK SaaS & Tech talent universe.
It’s the only system available to the UK SaaS & Tech industry that
Works 24/7/365 Delivering
You A Shortlist Of The Most
Reliable Talent In The Uk
You A Shortlist Of The Most
Reliable Talent In The Uk
It allows us to ensure no candidate goes unnoticed and assessed. This means you never have to worry about missing out on great talent.
Regularly Delivers Shortlists
Of The Best Candidates
Available Without You Doing A Thing.
Of The Best Candidates
Available Without You Doing A Thing.
No waiting and no searching. In fact, nothing but you doing what you and your team do best while our team works on delivering the best to you.
Ensures Faster, More
Sustainable Success.
Sustainable Success.
And because only we combine our innovative tech with traditional screening methods to source and secure great candidates, only we deliver candidates
who match your desired skills and team culture. This attention-to-detail means better team dynamics, more productivity, and outstanding employee retention.